Wednesday, September 26, 2007

John Piper's thoughts on grieving as a grandfather

I have felt like a bit of a voyeur in watching through the world wide web a family grieve the loss of their child, niece, granddaughter. It has been amazing to watch though and God has used it to draw me into prayer for them and for others currently suffering. It has also drawn me into a deeper gratitude for God's many mercies. I wrote Abraham a short note in response to Pastor John's original post about the loss. I need to take more time though and pass along how much God has used this. When I have walked through suffering I have had such a longing for redemption: redemption of myself, but mostly redemption of my circumstances. I always want to know that God is using it all somehow. I want their family to know that there is a man sitting in a little office at Century College crying as he reads the latest blog post about their grief. I want to show them that my heart is hurting and changing.

I hope that God is drawing you into the suffering of others as I seek to share these thoughts. Thank you Tricia, for your comments on my original post. I am glad to know that these words touch.

Read Pastor John's thoughts that he shared at Felicity's funeral this morning here. As a parent, my heart breaks to think that some day I will hold the hands of my children as they walk through sufferings and grief. These are good and true words.

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