Monday, September 24, 2012


I was up early this morning.  I went out to the woods.  There are few things that I enjoy more than being outside.  There was a big dead old oak tree in our woods that I thought I should take down.  This is my first large tree felling.  With some videos on Youtube and watching John Parker do it last week, I felt pretty sure about what I was doing.  Cut the wedge, did the back cut and down it came.  When Matt woke up, he came out.  I showed him what I'd done.  "Awesome!," was the first thing he said.  It's good when I get that kind of response from one of my kids.


Anonymous said...

Atta boy Andrew!! It's the Northern Michigan influence coming out in know, lumberjacks etc. etc.

Anonymous said...

Well done.

Shube said...

That lumber ought to heat the house for a couple of weeks!