Thursday, January 31, 2008

Molly and a little bit of the everyday

Word comes that I have not been talking or writing about Molly much lately. She is growing and progressing well. She is pulling herself up on her haunches and moves around wherever she wants to go. She just needs a little more speed. She is eating baby cereal and baby food. Mostly you'll see her sporting her favorite pj's. Sometimes we get around to putting her in a little outfit, but mostly only on the weekends. She is a strong willed little person and only sleeps when she wants. Usually that is one nap in the morning and one in the afternoon, but not always. She sleeps pretty well at night and usually only gets up to feed once or twice and then goes back to sleep (at least that is what Amanda tells me.) She is very sweet and has a lot of smiles for everyone. The boys love her and love to pull on her arms.

I'll also include some random pictures from the past week that let you into our every day lives. Thanks for reading.---------------
Now playing:
Billy Bragg & Wilco - California Stars
via FoxyTunes


Gregg said...

I'm laughing my head off at my desk right now...

- Ben's perpetual "thumbs-up"
- Matty's goggles - Picture Of The Year!
- Caleb's bedhead
- The size of the "loaf of butter" on your table...

...Molly must be wondering what to do with these jokers!

too funny!

Andy Gammons said...

Some explanation:
Ben's thumbs up--He thinks it's cool.
Caleb's hair--He's growing it out.

Thanks for enjoying them. We sure do.


Sharon said...

Matthew's picture is a hoot!! He has quickly become the family comedian.

Caleb and Molly look so much alike.

Benny's growing so much it's hard to believe he's that big!

I love them all!!