Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Ice: 2. Andy: 0.

You may remember my battle last year with the ice when I fell skating and took an ambulance ride to the hospital.  Ice: 1.  Andy:  0.

Well yesterday after we got back from our trip to Chicago, I went out to snow blow the driveway.  On my way over to the neighbors to get the machine, I hit some snow covered ice, went down, my ankle doubled under me and I began to bellow.  The neighbor lady ran over, offered to call 911, and then helped me into the house.  Long story short, after a trip to the urgicare for an x-ray, I was told that I broke my fibula.  Thankfully, the doctor said it was a clean break, so he doesn't think I'll need surgery.  I see a orthopedist on Friday though to make sure.  Now I'm laid up with one of those sweet boots.  It hurts a lot but the pain meds help there.  Amanda is taking amazing care of me and the kids are helping out too.  I'll keep you posted.  In the mean time, watch your step.   Ice: 2.  Andy:  0.


jamsco said...

Way harsh. I'm sorry that you're going through this.

By clean break . . . it didn't break all the way through, did it?

Also, I bet you've safely walked on ice thousands of time, so:

Andy 3000. Ice 2.

Bill Roehl said...

Oh man! I wish a speedy and operationless recovery!

Andy Gammons said...

By clean break, I meant that the bones was well aligned. Not really messed up so I would need surgery. From what I could tell of the x-ray and from what the doc said, it did break all the way through though.


Sharon said...

I'm so sorry that this happened Andrew! I'm praying for you right now and love you:)

Anonymous said...

What some of us will do for a day off work!

Heidi said...

what's this?? you barely had enough time to hurt yourself! sorry to hear this, we hope it heals quickly for you.

Abigail said...

Oh man! Well, I see the pain meds have helped you keep a good sense of humor through it.. :)

Thanks for letting us chuckle at your expense. Next time you encounter some ice, you give it the what for.. bring an ice pick.

Carrie said...
