Thursday, December 11, 2008

Christmas cookies

From December
Before the kids got sick this week, we baked cookies and took them around to our neighbors. As I looked at the pictures this morning, I could definitely see the beginnings of their sickness. Amanda and I laughed the next morning hoping that our whole street didn't get what we had. I think you can get arrested for that kind of thing. Isn't that biological warfare or something?

The most fun was at the end when just Caleb, Ben and I went to an older couple's house toward the end of our street. I asked the boys if they wanted to sing our Hymn of the Week, "Joy to the World." Ben said that he wanted to see "Jingle Bells". Caleb said, "Okay, but not the Batman one." The woman that came to the door was surprised and I think very happy to see us. It was a good Christmas memory. You can see a few other pictures from that night here.


Sharon said...

What a sweet, dear thing to do! I'm sure all of your neighbors loved it. It made me cry. I can't wait to see everyone soon.

Anonymous said...

How sweet. I'm sure your neighbors loved it. They would have even loved the 'Batman Smells' version of Jingle Bells. Maybe we can do this in Alpena?? Amanda can play her violin, right? :)


Anonymous said...

I have wanted to go caroling in our neighborhood, but the fact that Davy and Jacob can't sing yet has made me a bit gun shy. We'll shoot for next year.