Thursday, December 4, 2008

Minnesota Molly

From December
We got our first good snow this past week. The boys were excited to get out in it. Not to be outdone, Molly bundled up and got out there. She did great. She would fall down, but get right back up. Once she lost her mitten though, she was ready to come in. Amanda and I laughed because Molly is the only Minnesota native in our family. Maybe she'll grow up to love snow machines and ice fishin'.


Anonymous said...

Since Andy is such a fan of the doctrine of election, we'll just call Molly one of the Frozen-Chosen. Such a cutie!

The Martin's said...

Adorable! I had not been brave enough to take Madelyn out, but now I am inspired and will give it a try! She's the only MN native in our clan, too, so maybe she'll like it. (I'll probably last 2 minutes)