Wednesday, December 6, 2006

The Domestic Goddess

I brought Bill, my friend from work, a bunch of cookies this morning that Amanda had made yesterday. They are my favorite: oatmeal, peanut butter and chocolate chip. When he saw them he exclaimed, "Your wife is a goddess." He's right on that one.

Every night when I get home from work, after Amanda has spent all day "crazy wrangling", she has dinner on the stove ready to roll. And after her four month apprenticeship at Chateau Shube (her mom's house), she turns out some real winners. Last night she had one of my favorites-kielbasa and potatoes, mmmmm! Amanda is a very smart, employable woman. She could definitely double my money making potential. Instead, she chooses to stay home with the three most important people in our lives. Most days she loves it and wouldn't want to be doing anything else. I love her for choosing that over a new sweater from the Gap every month and a Carribou every other day. Thank you, Amanda. We love you.


Anonymous said...

yes we do -- in the most platonic way imaginable!

Thanks guys for making my entire week with 5 little treasures.

Allison said...

You are truly some lucky boys--what a great lady you've got!

Sharon said...

I am so disappointed!! I composed a really nice comment about Amanda and it didn't work!!!!!!!!!!! Anyway, I agree with Shirley that motherhood is the most important thing that I did with my life, short of Jesus, and 25 years with Don. Amanda does it so well and so selflessly! The boys are precious, well behaved, always clean and cared for, and all the while Amanda's house is clean and tidy too! I'm so thankful for her and all three of the people that my kids chose to marry! Thank you Amanda.