Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Read Aloud--Paddle To The Sea

Paddle to the Sea  by Holling C. Holling is a great book, especially if you grew up on the shores of one of the Great Lakes like I did.  Our kids have spent enough time in Michigan and on the lakes to enjoy it as well.  It is the story of what happens when a young Indian boy in Canada carves a canoe and an Indian paddler.  Paddle to the Sea, as he is named, then makes his way from the small brooks of his home, through all of the various Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean.  Along the way he meets loggers, ore boatsmen, children, and people playing in the various lakes.  Each time they pick him up and read his hull that says, "I am Paddle to the Sea.  Please put me back in the water."  The illustrations are all really great.  They have small drawings in the margins about the place that Paddle is visiting.

Apparently there is an old school film about the book.  I found it on Youtube.  I think the kids would love to see this.  We'll have to carve out some time some weekend soon.


Sharon said...

Great Great Lakes geography lesson and just plain fun!! Love that book!

Sharon said...

Loved the movie even though it left out lots of details from the book. It's still a fun one!