Friday, August 3, 2012

Caleb and cukes

Like last summer we have a bounty of cucumbers coming out of the garden.  Therefore, the kids have reopened the cuke stand at the side of the road.  The ones that we had were a little big so they dropped their price to $.25.  All of them were out there for a while yesterday but they soon began to drop like flies.  It was hot.  But Caleb, who has become the supervisor, was out the whole time.  When I got home at 5:00, he was still waving his sign, red faced as could be.  The other kids helped him get everything inside and he paid his workers according to the time that they worked.  It's fun to watch, especially because Caleb does such a great job with it and is so proud of his work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The boy just likes to work. He's a born salesman...can talk a dog off a meat wagon kind a guy. It's fun for you to watch it in action.