Monday, January 14, 2013

The Chickens Are Here

This weekend while Amanda was recovering from surgery to remove a large kidney stone, we picked up our neighbors three chickens.

It was VERY cold this weekend, dropping down to 4 degrees at night.  But when I went out this morning, the thermometer in the chicken coop said just under 20 degrees.  Our heat lamp, chicken body heat and a little shelter make a lot of difference.  We've only gotten 4 or 5 eggs so far.  Stress is not a good thing for egg laying.  The kids are very excited about the chickens.  We'll hope that continues as the chores increase and the novelty wears off.


Anonymous said...

HOW FUN!! We need names...especially the one with the funky feathered feet.

Anonymous said...

Just saw this. Give us some details when you get a chance. What kind of chickens? What's the regimen? Very cool!


Anonymous said...

BTW..what's the story with the chicken with the feathery feet? How come her feet don't match? Any increase in egg production? A guy at my physical therapy place who was raised on a farm with chicken said that they don't produce as many eggs in the cold weather. Is that true.