Friday, April 30, 2010

Read Alouds--Kildee House

The last book we read, Kildee House by Rutheford G. Montgomery, was a great one.  It is the story of Jerome Kildee, a former head stone maker who retires and decides to become a hermit in the California redwood forest.  Relationship finds him though.  First in the raccoons and skunks that come to inhabit his little cabin and then in the person of a neighbor girl.  She is one of my favorite characters in the book.  The relationship that she builds with Jerome is a sweet and tender one.  She is as important to him as he is to her.  She is also a strong, yet feminine character (something most kids stories lack.)  The boys loved this book and I loved reading it to them.


Sharon said...

Another one that I'm not familiar with but it sounds great. Have you read "Owls in the Family"?

Sharon said...

Another book to consider is "Caddie Woodlawn". It's also a historical fiction piece with a wonderful main character in the person of Caddie.

Anonymous said...

We read it to our kids several years ago. It's a good kid's book, which means it's a good book for anybody.

Anonymous said...

A good source for good books is the American Library Association's list of Newberry Medal and Newberry Honour books. Looking at the list, I realize we have quite a few of them!