Monday, May 7, 2007

Dreams and the sovereignty of God

I was talking with someone the other day and they asked me, "Where do you see yourself in 10, 15, maybe 20 years?" This was a difficult question, made even more difficult by the fact that I had been listening to a John Piper podcast (entitled "Doing Missions When Dying Is Gain") earlier that day.

Five or more years ago, I would have had lots of responses to that question. They would have been something like a Dean of Students or a Vice-President at a Christian college some day. The difficult part of that question is that I really believe and am coming to believe more and more that GOD IS SOVEREIGN. Sitting under the teaching of John Piper is part of this, but more, I think that it is coming under the prompting and teaching of the Holy Spirit. When God is sovereign on His thrown, dreams become difficult. I think sometimes as a part of God's sovereignty, He gives us dreams that will lead to His glorification. But sometimes God thwarts our dreams and leads us into times of suffering. God causes us to suffer and leads us into desert times in order to glorify himself and to make us more like Christ. That is difficult but it is good. So when someone says, "What is your dream for your life?" it is a scary thing to talk about. I talked with this person a lot more about what I felt God was asking of me (my calling as a follower of Christ) than what I wished my life were like.

If you get a chance to check out Piper's website, you really should do it. It is and it is filled with helpful resources. He even has most of the books that he has written there for free in pdf format. He has 28 years of sermons, conference talks, and messages in print and audio. Check it out!


Anonymous said...

Good post. Love you.

Anonymous said...

Andy---Great post. As I have learned over the last years, there is a big difference between asking for a divine rubber-stamp approval of our own plans/wishes and offering up a blank slate and saying, "Write what you will."

On a lighter note, can't wait to see da boys on Sunday. I love that in the middle row of pics, Matt-t-t is digging his fingernails into Caleb's forehead, and C is still smiling! :)

Sharon said...

God being in control of EVERYTHING is a really difficult concept for our goal/dream oriented society. Regardless, it is so true. The older I get the more I realize that there are really very few things that I can control. All that happens in my life is up to God. Of course that also means that I have to work, plan, and even dream, but in the end it's up to Him. He really does know what's best...even the really hard things. It's actually quite freeing to know that it's not ultimately up to me. I love you Andrew:)