Here's my dilemma. Bill, my super sweet friend from work, got me a
Damien Rice CD I had on my Amazon wish list for Christmas. Then the day before he was going to give it to me, I bought it on iTunes. DOOOOH! So, I sent it back and now I have a credit at Amazon. You wouldn't think this would be that hard, but I am really having trouble deciding what CD to get. I need some good rock and roll music. I got some great music over the holidays, but it is all kind of mellow. I need something where I can roll the windows down on my car and turn up real loud. I have a lot of The Boss and Neil Young and am looking for something along those lines. If I could get some suggestions in the comments, I would be much obliged. I'll let you know what I decide on. Thanks for reading.
I prefer "my co-worker Bill who owns everyone" but "super sweet" will work ;)
My recommendation: update and pay attention to your Amazon Wish List! :)
I'm not one to offer my suggestion, but I do know that Alex has been enjoying Muse which he labels "work out music".
Do you like Ray LaMontagne?? That's fun to rock out to with a mix of mellow in it.
I would suggest "Robert Randolph and the Family Band"...very good bluesey rock.
You may want to take my advice with a grain of salt since I was jamming out to Michael Jackson this morning on my way to work.
Thanks for the suggestions. I checked out Ray LaMontagne. I'm into him. He's on the short list. Also on the short list is Whiskeytown. They were Ryan Adams band before he went solo. He's pretty sweet. We'll see.
Thanks for the welcome. I'm not nearly as creative as you though! I don't have any music ideas, but I'm sure my husband would have a ton. Good luck!
pual simon -- his new disc might "suprise" you with some of the funkiest tunes on this side of the galaxy.
hope im not too late
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