A few weeks ago I got home from work and Amanda said that he was not doing very well. I took him into the bedroom to talk to him. I asked him what was wrong and he started to tear up and said, "I'm just having a hard day." I asked him if I could pray for him. He said yes and I as I began to pray he really began to break down. How many times has this kind of emotion overwhelmed me? Many.
Yesterday we went out for dinner at Cafe Latte in St. Paul (one of Amanda's favorite restaurants). There was a woman and her daughter sitting just across the room from us. The daughter, early college aged, was crying and Benjamin was watching her. He started to get the tender hearted look on his face. Amanda pointed it out to me. I said to him, "Are you watching that girl cry?" He shook his head. "Its kind of sad to see other people be sad." He shook his head again. I gave him a kiss and hug. I told Amanda that I loved so much this side of him. I want to do whatever I can to continue to foster his tender heart.
When most men (I struggle with this) are confronted with emotion, they work so hard to stuff it away. I long for my boys to become emotionally aware men who can laugh well, care much, righteously anger and cry when life is not the way it should be.
Thanks for letting us know Wenjerly better.
He is a tender, sweet soul. I love him so.
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