Friday, January 9, 2009

Male Grooming

Gregg made a very interesting post about his new safety razor over at their blog and it inspired me to write about my favorite male grooming tool. I have been cutting my own hair (what's left of it) for the past ten years or so. I have owned a number of different sets of clippers. This past summer I was getting a hair cut at the State Street Barber Shop in Alpena, Michigan, while on vacation at my mom's. I asked the barber where I could get a pair of clippers like the ones he had. He recommended the Internet. Ha! So I went online and found the Oster Classic 76 clippers. I also purchased the T Finisher clippers (both pictured above.) The set cost approximately $150. I figured with four heads to trim, these would pay off quickly. I have not been disappointed. These clippers fly through hair like a hot knife through butter. What would normally be a long, disappointing and sometimes painful experience with my old cheap clippers, has now become an quick, enjoyable time.

So jump online and get yourself or your favorite man a set of Classic 76's. You won't be disappointed.


Anonymous said...

You're hilarious.

Colbert Family said...

We've been using the exact same clippers for the last 3 years. They are great! Shelley actually cuts my hair and does a great job... from my angle at least! Although we've had to replace a few blades, we love the 76. The t-finisher is a must too for around the ears and neck. Also, I would recommend blade wash or something like it to keep the blades from rusting and keep them clean.


Anonymous said...

Now that we're on a fixed income, we sure do love ours, too! I haven't been to a salon/barber since I got these from you guys!

Advance-esthetic said...

WOW! This is AMAZING! Facial steamer for sale